Monday, June 3, 2013

The cool kid astronauts

Pre-dinner picture :)

Hello, there! It's Monday and we've had a full few days! We have done SO much, so I'm going to recap everything for you. I promise that I'm not a slacker with this whole posting thing-- we have super shoddy internet service here at the hotel and it's just not cooperating with me.

Thursday: We got into Webster, TX around 1:30 pm. We immediately went to our rooms and DIED. Kidding, but we did sleep until we were almost late for dinner. We had the pleasure of meeting the woman who got UNCP involved the Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program. The company was awesome, and I wish I could say the same about the Mexican food we ate. She also introduced us to "bubble-tea-shaved-ice-stuff." Basically, they took shaved ice and put whatever flavors (not syrup, but jellies and poppers) you wanted to have mixed in. I didn't personally try it, except for aloe vera jelly that Tiff made me try and it was gross. Everyone else pretty much liked it, though. Then we just decided to go back and crash for the night since Friday would be an early morning.

Friday: 5:00 am came early after such a long day Thursday. We reported to Ellington Air Field at 7:45 am. First on the agenda was receiving our badges (which preeety much makes us VIPs :)). Then we all received a safety briefing before we could do any work. After the safety briefing, there was more meetings and setting up our experiments.

                                                                       Team collaboration

After our experiments were all set up, we ate lunch (priorities, people) and then headed back to the Ellington. Oh, and just FYI, it's HOT in the hangar. Houston, June, get the picture. Anyways, after lunch, we had to go through a pre-TRR (test readiness review). This practice run involved about 8 of NASA's engineers critiquing our project after the nitty gritty of the project was explained to them. Since I'm the team leader, I was the representative who voiced all of this to the engineers. My girls are awesome though and cheered me on the whole way. Thankfully, there were very little comments from the engineers on our project. Some of the teams had quite a few critiques. This wrapped up the Friday at NASA since government agencies close at 4:30 :) Then it was dinner time. We ate at Fuddruckers and besides me getting sick from the stupid veggie burger with rice in it, we had a great time.

Saturday: Woot! Party time! To the beach we trekked (after sleeping in of course :)). Galveston Island is only about 30 minutes from us so we spent the whole day there. It was all fun and games until we got back and poor Molly and I realized we were cooked. Alex and Tiffany got burnt too, but their little tanned-skinned-selves didn't get it covering their entire bodies. Being pale sucks! After going our for Samurai japanese and a quick run to Target for aloe vera and cocoa butter, we headed back and...uh...slept.

Sunday: Great balls of fire. We all forgot how much sunburn sucks. We decided to all be lazy bums and catch up on Law and Order SVU and eat pizza. Of course, we could barely move, but we still enjoyed our day. Oh and of course we went to Target again. Don't judge, it's a super cool Super Target.

Monday: Ah, finally to Monday. It's has been a day! We were up early since we had to be at Ellington at 7:45 again. After the morning meeting I'm required to attend, it was straight to work on a few last minute things for the box. It was also a really exciting morning because the plane we'll be flying on pulled in and we all got to take a group photo in front of it. Then, at 10:30 it was the big-tail-full-blown-you-better-be-ready Test Readiness Review. This time, instead of 8 engineers, there was 30, a photographer and a videographer. I can honestly say I wasn't nervous until I started talking to all of these people. Again, all my girls were awesome and were so very supportive. They rock and I'm blessed to work with each of them! After the review, there was only one comment and it was resolved quickly. Again, this was VERY unlike many of the teams surrounding us. Since our review went so well, our only tasks for the rest of the day, were lunch and a visit to the Neutral Buoyancy Lab.

The Neutral Buoyancy Lab is a 100'x200'x40' pool with giant replicas of the space station in the bottom. Because of the neutral buoyancy within the pool, they can actually suit up the astronauts and allow them to "practice" for their mission in space. There's also a hyperbaric chamber in the facility so they can determine symptoms of hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) for each person.  After leaving the NBL,  we ate dinner at TGI Fridays and then it was time to crash. Well, sorta. I went for a super good swim and did some strength training stuff and forgot what a good workout swimming can be. And now, my friends, it is time for B-E-D. Good night and I'll update in a few days!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ten (okay, eleven) things.

It's been almost a year since I've blogged anything. To say that the last year has been a whirlwind would be an understatement, but I'll save that post for another time. In light of the fact that I'm heading to NASA in 10 days, I thought I'd go ahead and restart my blog. All of our updates will be on here (except for short status update on FB :)). Tonight, I'm taking a break from thinking about TEDP's, glove boxes, 0-g (and the impending motion sickness) and the million documents NASA wants signed. Just a little fun tonight :)

I've been told (only by the people that know me the best) that I'm incredibly easy to read. Yet, there's always random facts that people are clueless about, even after spending months or years around me. With that being said, I'm going to post 10 random facts that you may not know about me. Here goes nothin'...after a picture of course :D

1. I'm incredibly stubborn. I will argue with you until I am blue in the face, even if I know I'm losing the argument.

2. I am TERRIFIED of the dark, except when I'm sleeping. Then, I prefer it pitch black.

3. I'm not quite a fan of plane take-offs...or plane rides...or plane landings. This whole NASA thing will be an adventure for sure and I've put the details of the plane ride out of my head.

4. I wish I was meaner (I'll pay for admitting this). I have an innate ability to be incredibly sweet and charming, but it's apparently funny when I attempt to be mean. It drives me nuts.

5. I'm borderline obsessed with elephants. No joke, ya'll.

6. I have no doubt that when I find "the one," I'll know fairly quickly. The first one not to completely annoy me within a couple months, wins.

7. I haven't been able to bend the toes on my right foot in almost 4 years. Long, painfully embarrassing story.

8. I've killed 2 rats in my life, but I've never touched a rat. I despise them and killed them by screaming at the top of my lungs. They both (2 separate occasions), died instantly.

9. I'm thankful I didn't grow up with a sister. Having brothers is awesome and I didn't have to share my stuff. God added my sister at the perfect time :)

10. I hate true-false questions with a passion. I'm convinced they're of the devil. Seriously.

11. Yeah, I know I only said 10, but one more won't hurt. I am insanely passionate about exercise and sport science, especially clinical exercise and I love to know that I'm making a difference in other people's lives through the field.